My Story

You deserve a career where you get to do work you value and which you are good at.

I believe this because I've achieved this myself. Five years ago I left my high-paying job at a Big Four accounting firm to do what I love: helping people achieve their career goals. 

Since then, I've earned my Masters in Education and worked in higher education career services. I also continued to be an active leader in my community volunteering for educational and civic organizations. 

It's through these experiences that informs my approach to working with clients. 

When we work together, I believe:

  • You are the expert of your own life.
  • You have the power to change the direction of your career path.
  • Your career can be designed around one, two, or as many things that matter to you.
  • You deserve to be equipped with lifelong career development skills.

Learn more about how I can help you